Will mergers help speed up data monetization?
Maximizing in-vehicle commerce through the software-defined era
Coordinating the Connected Car and Network Edge ...to Avoid Breaking the Internet
Software-Defined Vehicles: Motivation and Transformation
Is Google's takeover of the cockpit stalling?
Is personalization the key to successful automotive experiences?
Dark patterns in automotive UX
Broadcast media in the personalized software-defined vehicle
Auto industry at risk of losing customer trust
AutoTech: Detroit - Conference Summary
Multi-source automotive software stacks
Introducing the Automotive EPM
Multi-source automotive software stacks
Apple announces deeper integration of CarPlay
Innovations in mobility
Open-source software hits the road
Have we reached peak AV Start-up?
Are OEMs at risk of collecting too much data?
Breaking down the barriers to automotive edge adoption
UX testing in a post-pandemic world