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About this report
As more new vehicles integrate a growing number of hardware and software technologies, E/E architectures are set to play an important role across the vehicle lifecycle. This role will be especially important as software-defined vehicles emerge and place new technologies at the core of this lifecycle – from development and throughout the user experience, to the SDV-specific features and services that help extend it.
The significance of E/E architectures in SDVs, as well as today’s vehicles, makes it crucial for OEMs to carefully plan and map out a holistic approach to them. Doing so will allow automakers to create cost-effective vehicles that are safer, more secure, and provide enhanced system usability.
This Guide includes everything automotive planners and engineers need to understand around the state of the art of E/E architectures, and the journey to enable a software defined vehicle. Here, it provides insight into the decisions that enable year-on-year delivery with optimal utility and costs while highlighting relevant trends and profiling key technologies. An accompanying Excel version offers the latest data to encourage strong decision-making, with thousands of data points presented with every release.

Which companies are implementing zonal architectures?

How are companies making architectural decisions that allow them to deliver year-on-year, without carrying inefficient utility and cost to every vehicle made?
Single point of call for all your electrical and electronic architecture intelligence needs
Key Questions & Benefits
Planned to be updated yearly to ensure you are always making key decisions with the latest data
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