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About this report
As 2030 approaches, so too are the deadlines for electrification set by automakers, governing bodies, and governments worldwide. In recent years, purchase incentives have played a key role in EV uptake, making them more affordable and more accessible for more consumers globally.
For OEMs placing EVs at the core of future business strategies, scaling adoption through such incentives can facilitate these plans and secure customer loyalty. As such, a deep understanding of the incentives being offered to consumers across the EV lifecycle today can help automakers expand their customer base, maximize brand loyalty, and meet their electrification deadlines.
The EV Incentives Tracker provides in-depth analysis of the incentives that are presently impacting electrification across the automotive industry. In doing so, it helps OEMs and dealerships understand the incentives being offered for EVs today, and the developing trends around incentives that are impacting customer buying decisions in different regions. This report is released quarterly to provide the latest updates on existing and emerging incentives, and offers an accompanying Excel version with deep, data-driven, analysis.

Identify the latest updates on new trends around these incentives

Compare the incentives being offered in different regions and across the globe that will impact electrification
Support marketing campaigns on EVs by highlighting the most significant changes that have occurred and their potential impacts on consumer purchasing decisions
Key Benefits
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