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About this report
As EVs continue to proliferate in markets across the globe, automakers are racing to improve the efficiency, range, and bottom-line of their solutions. The common denominator behind these improvements is the vehicle battery – which already encompasses a wide, rapidly growing ecosystem of technologies, key players, infrastructure, and more.
With the battery itself employing cutting-edge technologies, and being the most expensive EV component, it has become the focal point of innovation and investment for the broader automotive industry. This innovation has in turn driven the ecosystem’s growth – with an increasing number of companies dedicated to battery manufacturing and operations, and more frequent announcements of new technologies, systems, and partnerships. As a result, keeping track of its changes and new additions is becoming an increasingly difficult task.
This report profiles the key players and technologies involved in the EV battery ecosystem, while highlighting the factors encouraging innovation across the battery lifecycle. Offering accessible explanations of today's critical battery technologies, the report provides insight into the potential battery industry conditions of the future. It also addresses the recent trend of battery recycling and reuse – understanding its key initiatives and supporting technologies.

Who is investing in major battery initiatives and which players are positioned to lead the market?

Which battery technologies are the most promising and how do they work?
What might the automotive and battery industries look like in the future and why?
Key Questions & Benefits
Understand how various battery technologies improve the overall EV value proposition.
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