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About this report
OEMs around the world are innovating rapidly, launching new solutions in fields like the SDV and vehicle autonomy while rolling out new business models, roadmaps, and services to support their continued development. As this innovation grows and becomes more impactful, it is essential for any player looking to secure future automotive success to understand today’s trends and how they are evolving. However, prioritizing these trends, tracking their progress, and understanding the implications of each one can quickly become difficult.
Our Automotive Roadmaps Tracker provides this clarity with clear, confident, and fast responses to competitive questions in a complex, fast-changing, market. Curated from tens of thousands of trusted sources, it delivers distilled insights validated by expert analysis in a normalized and actionable way – allowing you to save time, optimize products, uncover gaps, and align teams to create market confidence.
In tracking 13 OEM groups and over 50 trends, the tracker emphasizes the most important insights with ‘signals’ compiled and delivered on a weekly basis. These signals show more than 50 key roadmaps and technology trends that together help you stay informed on the latest, most impactful, industry updates. While offering full trend market coverage for the USA, Europe and China, pre-signal coverage is provided for Japan and South Korea.

Signals power > 50 distinct
automotive roadmaps and
tech trends

‘Signals’ from thousands of
sources are compiled into a
single location
See what has changed in the
last 3 months is your
roadmap up to date
Key Benefits
Automotive Roadmaps
Tracker helps ensure users
are not over- (or under-)
reacting to a single market
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