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Advanced Computing

Research Report



Enabling CASES


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About this report

The continued development of connected and autonomous vehicles is enabling more technically advanced user experiences. These experiences will require significantly more capable computing platforms in the vehicle, on the edge, and in the cloud. Novel AI-enabled edge-oriented software stacks, for example, are currently being considered as a way to abstract runtime environments and provide an agile context for in-vehicle control.

Likewise, the presence of these technologies is not limited to one sector, segment, or system. The shift towards software-defined vehicles will require the evolution of advanced in-vehicle computers, with each one leveraging a unique set of technologies and partnerships. Autonomous vehicles already have a similarly expansive ecosystem, consisting of their own variety of dedicated technologies that depend on a growing network of partners. As this landscape develops, understanding the technologies at the center of it will benefit OEMs in both the short and long-term.

The Advanced Computing report identifies and analyzes the most impactful advanced computing technologies, their key use cases, and the companies behind them. The report works similarly to understand how it will enable immersive user experiences, and how OEMs can retain control over the whole stack. Further analysis is conducted into the regulatory aspects of advanced computing and through a 10-year forecast for its adoption.


How will advanced computing enable vehicles to become more automated and immersive?


What technologies and systems will provide the highest impact to OEMs and suppliers?


Who are the leading players deploying advanced computing in Automotive?

Key Questions Answered


How can OEMs work with tech partners while maintaining control over the overall stack?

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