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About this report
The next generation of vehicle platforms are expected to have a higher level of convergence between the currently disperse technology roadmaps spread across a broad range of key automotive domains today. By deploying a centralized SDV strategy, OEMs will have the potential to roll out new technologies that deliver multi-domain impacts.
This report provides a 2040 snapshot of the technology convergences expected to occur between safety, EV, connectivity, security, and cyber that will power future vehicle generations. In doing so, it provides a comprehensive index, categorised by OEM, for the adoption of these technologies that highlights the customer-facing outcomes they will achieve. The report similarly empowers planning and CX teams with the insights they need to develop a gap assessment in advanced planning and R&D roadmaps for next-generation vehicle platforms.

Provides a readiness index by OEM for the adoption of these technologies that highlights what customer-facing outcomes they will each achieve

Focus on the intersections of technologies across safety, EV, seamless connectivity, security and cyber that will have the widest impact on the industry
Helps develop a gap assessment in advanced planning and R&D roadmaps for next-generation vehicle platforms
Key Benefits
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