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About this report
Within the automotive industry, the continued popularity of vehicle leasing has recently run alongside the rise and success of third-party mobility services. This success piqued OEM interest in the mobility service ecosystem - with some investigating the revenue streams it could open, and others investing in new mobility services or establishing their own.
However, unlike other ecosystems in the automotive industry, the ecosystem for these services covers a number of business models that each have a different target audience and offer a similar variety of benefits for the user and OEM. As the eco-system evolves with the introduction of new functions and features, as external investments and acquisitions are made, and as service offerings continue to vary between regions - it can be easy lose track of where the ecosystem stands today and how it could evolve in the future.
The Mobility Services Guide works to define and understand the landscape of mobility services today, identifying which factors are likely to influence its evolution. It covers several service types in depth - from ride-hailing services to car rental services - and highlights the latest OEM activity in the space, while thoroughly profiling its key players have to offer.
What current mobility services are out there?
What is their business model and value change?
How are these services being deployed?
Key Questions Answered
What are the key initiatives and activities around connected mobility?
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